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Who we are

Nice to meet you

As a global asset manager, we center our solutions around your needs. We’re driven by endless curiosity, rigorous research and a proven passion for sustainability, and we’ll guide you towards ground-breaking active investment strategies.
Interested in investing for today and tomorrow’s needs? Having our investments contribute to a healthy planet and society is our common goal. Let’s share the conversation: talk to one of our colleagues.

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We are pleased to highlight some opportunities selected by our experts.

Steven Pollack, CFA - Portfolio Manager, Boston Partners

Steven Pollack, CFA
Portfolio Manager, Boston Partners

Value investing

Discover great value in the smaller, unsung heroes of the stock market

Wilma de Groot - Head of Core Quant Equities, Head of Quant Equity Portfolio Management and Deputy Head of Quant Equity

Wilma de Groot
Head of Core Quant Equities, Head of Quant Equity Portfolio Management and Deputy Head of Quant Equity

Enhanced Indexing

Our systematic approach is geared towards investors seeking stable alpha with limited relative risk

The beauty of small and mid caps

A smarter alternative to passive investing

Seizing the opportunity in the credit market

A smarter alternative to passive investing