
Thematic investing


The Biodiversity strategy invests in companies that support the responsible use of natural resources, minimize biodiversity threats and restore ecosystems back to health.


% of species endangered by inappropriate food, land, and ocean use


USD trillion, economic value that is linked to nature


USD trillion, combined market cap of today’s investable solutions

Why invest in biodiversity?

Biodiversity, the sum of life in all its forms and across all its habitats, is on the decline worldwide. Deforestation, over-fertilization, and over-fishing are major contributors to biodiversity and account for nearly 75% of species loss. Scientists warn that the loss of such rich diversity is weakening the planet’s ecosystems which may irreparably alter life on Earth.

And it’s not just nature that’s threatened – more than half of global GDP (USD 58 trillion) is dependent on abundant natural resources. So, putting nature at risk jeopardizes our economic growth and well-being.

The strategy

The Biodiversity strategy invests in companies creating nature-positive services for farmlands, woodlands and cities as well as in oceans and freshwater networks. Given their powerful potential to reduce ecosystem disruption, the strategy also focuses on organic packaging and technology that enables products to be tracked up and down sector supply chains – from foods and textiles to pharmaceuticals and personal care.

Make your portfolio more robust and resilient with an investment in Biodiversity Equities.
