
Thematic investing

Smart Mobility

Smart Mobility focuses on the electrification and transformation of transportation, one of the most carbon-intensive business sectors. That also leaves it well positioned to capture the growth of several powerful trends gaining velocity, including artificial intelligence, connectivity, and the sharing economy.


%, EVs as a share of all vehicle sales in China (in 2024)


%, EVs as a share of all vehicle sales globally (2024)


USD trillion, forecasted EV market size by 2030

Why invest in smart mobility?

Transportation is carbon-heavy, accounting for 20% of global emissions. Road transport accounts for a staggering 75% of that total, making the automotive sector critical for cleaning up the planet and clearing the path for a net-zero future. Carmakers globally have already invested billions in vehicles and production plants for an electrically fueled future.

In the process, they are also harnessing the power of AI and the IoT to reduce paint points such as accident avoidance and routine repairs. In future, these promise to enhance the entire mobility experience with self-driving vehicles and seamless connectivity linking the car with physical surroundings and the digital universe.

The strategy

The Smart Mobility strategy sits at the intersection of this automotive revolution investing in not just EV manufacturers but also battery makers, lithium miners, chipmakers and charging stations – in short, all the companies that supply the critical ingredients to create, maintain, and power intelligent, next-generation vehicle fleets.

Invest in Smart Mobility to drive your portfolio on the path to net zero and long-term growth.
