
Thematic Investing

Sustainable Water

Increased consumption from industries and populations are draining the value of the planet’s liquid assets. The sustainable water strategy invests in companies creating solutions to protect the quality and quantity of the world’s water supplies.


% of the global population facing high water stress


% of GDP, the cost of water shortages for water scarce regions by 2050


liters, the global water footprint of a kilo of beef

Why invest in water?

Climate change, population growth, dietary changes and urbanization are global trends contributing to water scarcity worldwide. Agriculture is already the biggest water consumer which is set to increase further as incomes and diets in emerging markets shift from plants and cereals to water-intensive meats and dairy.

Moreover, urbanization further exacerbates pressures on ill-equipped, leaky municipal infrastructures in desperate need of renovation and expansion.

The strategy

The Sustainable Water strategy invests in irrigation systems, pipelines, and metering networks that efficiently distribute water to croplands, residential communities, and industries. It also invests in utilities and waste treatment plants that eliminate harmful contaminants so that water can be safely recycled or released into the environment. Testing and analytics are also critical for ensuring water quality matches its intended use across multiple sectors.

Tap into streams of enduring growth with an investment in Sustainable Water.
