14-03-2024 · Webinar

Defining fair value in global credit markets

Despite interest rate volatility, credit markets performed well in 2023, and credit spreads have continued to tighten in recent months. Current yield levels offer an appealing entry point for investors, but where in credit markets do we see the most attractive value?

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  • Joop Kohler - Head of Credit team

    Joop Kohler

    Head of Credit team

  • Colin Graham - Co-Head of Sustainable Multi Asset Solutions

    Colin Graham

    Co-Head of Sustainable Multi Asset Solutions

In the webinar, our Head of Credit, Joop Kohler, and Head of Multi-Asset Strategies Colin Graham, discuss the value of global credit markets. The webinar explores whether valuations in credit markets are still attractive or if the cheapness has disappeared. They compare the attractiveness of credits to other asset classes. Additionally, the speakers discuss how to define fair value in global credit markets using valuations, macro outlook and technicals.

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Unraveling 9 key credit questions