01-08-2023 · Insight

8 things you should know about next-gen quant

What are '8 things you should know about next-gen quant' - but might have been afraid to ask? Navigating the frontier of quant investing can be confusing, but we’re here to demystify some of the complex concepts that are suddenly becoming household terms. From alternative data and sustainable alpha to NLP and GPT, our new publication covers the whole fabric of next-generation quant investing.


  • Mike Chen - Head of Next Gen Research

    Mike Chen

    Head of Next Gen Research

As well as explaining what all these developments mean for investors, we also delve into the nitty gritty of what it takes to build an innovative and robust next-gen quant program. Two crucial elements, infrastructure and culture, form the foundations upon which the more technical aspects can be developed and implemented. Robeco’s use of new signals in existing strategies, and how next-gen quant is used in sustainable investing, are also explored.

Download the full publication here

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