
Sustainable investing

Climate investing & biodiversity

How investors are lining up to combat global warming

Climate change is the biggest challenge facing humanity and the economic and ecological consequences will be catastrophic unless something is done. We can’t leave saving the planet to future generations. Investors should put their money at work and act now.

Join us on a journey to explore research and insights on climate-focused investing. Robeco’s in-house experts present the latest views and practical solutions on our Climate Investing content hub.

Global Climate Investing Survey 2024

Investors are now becoming more knowledgeable, cautious and less naive in their approach to tackling climate change. That’s the main message from the Robeco Global Climate Investing Survey 2024, which shows greater realism on the long road to a low-carbon world.


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Climate investing strategies

Robeco offers a range of investment strategies in equities and fixed income that address the climate challenges our generation faces.

Climate investing strategies

Our roadmap to net zero by 2050

True commitment to climate should be reflected in our own behavior as well. We have laid out a roadmap for achieving carbon neutrality across all its assets under management by 2050.

Download the roadmap


It is our duty to use our financial muscle to contribute to protecting the species with which we share our planet.

The need to protect and restore biodiversity is a growing part of sustainable investing. The threat to the planet’s nature and wildlife from unsustainable human development cannot be understated; the Earth is undergoing a sixth mass extinction (the Anthropocene Extinction) and will potentially lose up to one million species. Fortunately, there is much that investors can do halt and perhaps even reverse it.

However, the challenge is so complex that no single investor can tackle it on their own. Robeco is therefore proud to partner with the World Wide Fund for Nature Netherlands (WWF-NL). In January 2022, Robeco was proud to launch its roadmap for addressing biodiversity loss, back by WWF-NL. The white paper is entitled ‘Robeco’s approach to biodiversity: Towards the integration of nature-related risks, opportunities and impacts in our investments’. Written by specialists from across Robeco’s engagement, climate and sustainable investing research teams, it forms a blueprint for future action in this area, and complements existing collaborations such as the Finance for Biodiversity Pledge.

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