10-09-2024 · 5-Year outlook

5-year Expected Returns: Atlas Lifted

Robeco is pleased to launch the 14th edition of its flagship annual publication, Expected Returns 2025-2029. This year’s edition, titled Atlas Lifted, delves into the transformative economic landscape of the next five years. Unlike Ayn Rand’s famous book ‘Atlas Shrugged’, where innovators abandon their burdens, Atlas Lifted envisions a proactive approach where capital owners embrace their responsibilities, fostering growth and innovation.

Download the full outlook here


  • Peter van der Welle - Strategist Sustainable Multi Asset Solutions

    Peter van der Welle

    Strategist Sustainable Multi Asset Solutions

  • Laurens Swinkels - Head of Quant Strategy

    Laurens Swinkels

    Head of Quant Strategy

Key insights include the shift from hyper-individualism to stakeholder capitalism, the diminishing allure of limited government, and the evolving dynamics of free markets. Drawing parallels to the revolutionary innovations of the 1950s, this report highlights the potential for above-trend GDP growth in advanced economies, driven by AI and increased investment opportunities.

The 140-page outlook makes the usual forecasts for the likely returns of all the major asset classes, including emerging and developed world equities, government and corporate bonds, commodities and cash, over the next five years. From Chinese troubles to market bubbles, four special topics are also discussed.


Leave your details and download Expected Returns here (135 pages)

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