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Emerging Markets ex China Equities
Calibrate your emerging markets exposure
Robeco’s Emerging Markets ex China Equities strategy gives investors distilled exposure to the most dynamic emerging markets, more allocation to Latin America, the Middle East and Central Europe, as well as a different sectoral focus.
Relevant figures
billion in total size of population
companies in the universe
EM ex-China Index correlation with MSCI China (Feb 2014 - Feb 2024). Source: Robeco, MSCI
Why invest in Emerging Markets ex China?
The EM ex-China strategy enables investors to carve out China from their EM allocation and gain more exposure to smaller EM economies under-represented in the main index. The EM ex-China universe boasts over 1,200 companies, in high growth sectors like fintech, semiconductors, and materials in the world’s fastest growing economies making it a perfect environment for bottom-up fundamental stock analysis and selection. Investors globally are underexposed to EM ex-China and we believe rebalancing is overdue.
The strategy
The Robeco EM ex-China Equities strategy consists of a diversified portfolio of 60 to 80 stocks selected with a value tilt, targeting attractive valuations with potential earnings upside. The strategy employs a distinctive top-down country analysis framework combined with a unique blend of fundamental and quantitative research for stock selection.