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Robeco QI Emerging Markets Active Equities I GBP
Systematically using proven style factors to actively invest in Emerging Markets
Share classes
Share classes
Every share class of a product invests in the same portfolio of securities and has the same investment objectives and policies. However, their parameters might deviate. For instance and amongst others, their distribution type, currency exposure or fees and expenses might differ. The most common share classes at Robeco are:
a) D/DH shares, which are regular shares and available for all Investors;
b) I/IH shares, for institutional investors as defined from time to time by the Luxembourg supervisory authority.
For more information on share classes please go to the prospectus.
Class and codes
Asset class:
MSCI Emerging Markets Index (Net Return, GBP)
Sustainability-related information
Sustainability-related information
Under the EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation, products can be labelled as either Article 6, 8 or 9 fund.
Article 6 - The fund is not in scope of enhanced sustainability disclosures compared to Article 8 and 9.
Article 8 - The fund does not have a sustainable investment objective but promotes environmental or social characteristics and is subject to enhanced sustainability disclosures.
Article 9 - The fund has a sustainable investment objective and is subject to enhanced sustainability disclosures.
Regardless of Article 8 or 9, the companies in which investments are made must follow good governance practices, and sustainable investments must not do any significant harm.
Article 8
- Overview
- Performance & costs
- Portfolio
- Sustainability
- Commentary
- Documents
Key points
- Aims to consistently outperform the benchmark
- Diversified exposure to an integrated multi-factor stock selection model
- Using the proven return factors of value, quality, momentum, along with analyst revisions and short-term signals
About this fund
Robeco QI Emerging Markets Active Equities is an actively managed fund and invests in stocks of companies in emerging markets. The selection of these stocks is based on a quantitative model. The fund's objective is to consistently achieve a better return than the index. The fund uses a quantitative stock selection strategy which ranks stocks on their expected future relative performance using three factors: valuation, quality and momentum. Highly ranked stocks are overweighted against the Benchmark, whereas low-ranked stocks are underweighted, resulting in a well-diversified portfolio.
Upcoming webinar: Applying quant strategies in the pursuit of alpha
Key facts
Total size of fund
£ 2,958,592,128
Size of share class
£ 21,841
Inception date share class
Dividend paying
Fund manager

Wilma de Groot

Tim Dröge

Machiel Zwanenburg

Dean Walsh

Han van der Boon

Vania Sulman
Wilma de Groot is Head of Core Quant Equities, Head of Quant Equity Portfolio Management and Deputy Head of Quant Equity. She is responsible for quant equity strategies and specializes in asset pricing anomalies, portfolio construction and sustainability integration. She has published in various academic publications including the Journal of Impact and ESG Investing, Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of International Money and Finance, Journal of Empirical Finance and the Financial Analysts Journal. She is a guest lecturer at several universities. Wilma joined Robeco as a Quant Researcher in 2001. Wilma has a PhD in Finance from Erasmus University Rotterdam and holds a Master’s in Econometrics from Tilburg University. She is a CFA® Charterholder.. Tim Dröge is Portfolio Manager Quantitative Equities. He focuses on managing Core Quant strategies, both Enhanced Indexing and Active Quant portfolios. Tim specializes in quantitative stock selection, portfolio construction and Emerging Markets. Previously, he held positions as Portfolio Manager Balanced Investments and Account Manager institutional clients. Tim has been working as a Portfolio Manager since 2001. He started his career at Robeco in 1999. He holds a Master's in Business Economics from Erasmus University Rotterdam. Machiel Zwanenburg is Portfolio Manager Quantitative Equities. He focuses on managing Core Quant strategies, both Enhanced Indexing and Active Quant portfolios and specializes in quantitative stock selection and portfolio construction. One of his areas of expertise is sustainability integration within quantitative equities. Previously, he held positions as Risk Manager and Head of Client Portfolio Risk at Robeco. He joined Robeco in 1999 as a member of the Quant Research team. He holds a Master's in Econometrics from Erasmus University Rotterdam and a Master's in Economics from the London School of Economics. Dean Walsh is Portfolio Manager Quantitative Equities. He focuses on managing Core Quant strategies, both Enhanced Indexing and Active Quant portfolios. Dean specializes in quantitative stock selection, portfolio construction and sustainable integration. Prior to joining Robeco in 2023, he worked at Mercer Global Investments as a currency portfolio manager and as a principal in their Portfolio Intelligence unit. In this role, he led on quantitative research, including work on factor portfolios, sustainable & Paris-aligned investing, and risk management. He joined the industry in 2013 at JP Morgan. Dean holds a Master's in Quantitative Finance from University College Dublin. He is a CFA® and CAIA® Charterholder. Han van der Boon is Portfolio Manager Quantitative Equities. He focuses on managing Core Quant strategies, both Enhanced Indexing and Active Quant portfolios and specializes in quantitative stock selection and portfolio construction. He was a Technical Portfolio Manager and Operational Portfolio Manager with a focus on equities in the period 2009-2018. He joined Robeco in 1997 as a Business Controller. He holds a Master's in Business Administration from Erasmus University Rotterdam. Vania Sulman is Portfolio Manager Quantitative Equities and focuses on managing the Core Quant strategies. She specializes in the stock selection and sustainability integration in customized portfolios. She rejoined Robeco in 2022. Previously, she worked as a data scientist for three years and prior to that as a Quant Researcher at Robeco with a focus on quantitative stock selection. She joined the industry and Robeco in 2016. She holds a Master's (cum laude) in Quantitative Finance from Erasmus University Rotterdam.
The performance data for this fund is either unavailable or restricted by the MIFID legislation, which prevents us from reporting performance data for funds with less than a 12-month track record.
Price development
1 month
3 months
Ongoing charges
Indication of annual charges that are deducted for this fund. This indication is based on the costs over the last calendar year and may vary from year to year. Transaction costs incurred by the fund, any performance fees and other one-off costs are not included in the ongoing charges.
Included management fee
A fee paid by the fund to the asset management company for the professional management of the fund.
Included service fee
This fee is intended to cover official fees, such as the cost of annual reports, annual shareholders' meetings and price publications.
Transaction costs
The transaction costs shown are the average annual transaction costs over the last three years calculated in accordance with European regulations.
Fiscal product treatment
The fund is established in Luxembourg and is subject to the Luxembourg tax laws and regulations. The fund is not liable to pay any corporation, income, dividend or capital gains tax in Luxembourg. The fund is subject to an annual subscription tax ('tax d'abonnement') in Luxembourg, which amounts to 0.01% of the net asset value of the fund. This tax is included in the net asset value of the fund. The fund can in principle use the Luxembourg treaty network to partially recover any withholding tax on its income.
Fiscal treatment of investor
Investors who are not subject to (exempt from) Dutch corporate-income tax (e.g. pension funds) are not taxed on the achieved result. Investors who are subject to Dutch corporate-income tax can be taxed for the result achieved on their investment in the fund. Dutch bodies that are subject to corporate-income tax are obligated to declare interest and dividend income, as well as capital gains in their tax return. Investors residing outside the Netherlands are subject to their respective national tax regime applying to foreign investment funds. We advise individual investors to consult their financial or tax adviser about the tax consequences of an investment in this fund in their specific circumstances before deciding to invest in the fund.
Fund allocation
Top 10
- Asset
- Country
- Sector
- Top 10
Currency risk will not be hedged. Exchange-rate fluctuations will therefore directly affect the fund's share price.
The fund does not distribute dividend. The fund retains any income that is earned and so its entire performance is reflected in its share price.
Robeco QI Emerging Markets Active Equities is an actively managed fund and invests in stocks of companies in emerging markets. The selection of these stocks is based on a quantitative model. The fund's objective is to consistently achieve a better return than the index. The fund uses a quantitative stock selection strategy which ranks stocks on their expected future relative performance using three factors: valuation, quality and momentum. Highly ranked stocks are overweighted against the Benchmark, whereas low-ranked stocks are underweighted, resulting in a well-diversified portfolio. The fund aims for a better sustainability profile compared to the Benchmark by promoting E&S (i.e. Environmental and Social) characteristics within the meaning of Article 8 of the European Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation, integrating sustainability risks in the investment process and applying Robeco’s Good Governance policy. The fund applies sustainability indicators, including but not limited to, normative, activity-based and region-based exclusions, proxy voting and engagement.
Risk management is fully integrated into the investment process to ensure that positions always meet predefined guidelines.
Sustainability-related disclosures
Sustainability profile
ESG Important Information
The sustainability information below can help investors integrate sustainability considerations in their process. This information is for informational purposes only. The reported sustainability information may not at all be used in relation to binding elements for this fund. A decision to invest should take into account all characteristics or objectives of the fund as described in the prospectus.
The fund systematically incorporates sustainability in the investment process via exclusions, ESG integration, ESG and environmental footprint targets, engagement and voting. The fund does not invest in stocks issued by companies that are in breach of international norms or where its activities have been deemed detrimental to society following Robeco's exclusion policy. Financially material ESG factors are integrated in the portfolio construction to ensure the ESG score of the portfolio is better than that of the index. In addition, the environmental footprints of the fund are made lower than that of the benchmark by restricting the GHG emissions, water use and waste generation. With these portfolio construction rules, stocks issued by companies with better ESG scores or environmental footprints are more likely to be included in the portfolio while stocks issued by companies with worse ESG scores or environmental footprints are more likely to be divested from the portfolio. In addition, where a stock issuer is flagged for breaching international standards in the ongoing monitoring, the issuer will become subject to engagement. Lastly, the fund makes use of shareholder rights and applies proxy voting in accordance with Robeco's proxy voting policy.For more information please visit the sustainability-related disclosures.The index used for all sustainability visuals is based on MSCI Emerging Markets Index (Net Return, GBP).
Sustainability metrics
Sustainalytics ESG Risk Rating
Sustainalytics ESG Risk Rating
Environmental Footprint
SDG Impact Alignment
- Sustainalytics ESG Risk Rating
- Environmental Footprint
- SDG Impact Alignment
- Exclusions
- Engagement
Sustainalytics ESG Risk Rating
Sustainalytics ESG Risk Rating
Environmental Footprint
SDG Impact Alignment
Sustainalytics ESG Risk Rating
Per 28-02-2025Source: Copyright ©2024 Sustainalytics. All rights reserved.
Source: Copyright ©2024 Sustainalytics. All rights reserved.
The Portfolio Sustainalytics ESG Risk Rating chart displays the portfolio's ESG Risk Rating. This is calculated by multiplying each portfolio component's Sustainalytics ESG Risk Rating by its respective portfolio weight. The Distribution across Sustainalytics ESG Risk levels chart shows the portfolio allocations broken into Sustainalytics' five ESG risk levels: negligible (0-10), low (10-20), medium (20-30), high (30-40) and severe (40+), providing an overview of portfolio exposure to the different ESG risk levels. Index scores are provided alongside the portfolio scores, highlighting the portfolio's ESG risk level compared to the index. Only holdings mapped as corporates are included in the figures.
Environmental Footprint
Per 28-02-2025Source: Robeco data based on Trucost data. *
Robeco data based on Trucost data*
Robeco data based on Trucost data*
* Source: S&P Trucost Limited © Trucost 2024. All rights in the Trucost data and reports vest in Trucost and/or its licensors. Neither Trucost, not its affliates, nor its licensors accept any liability or any errors, omissions, or interruptions in the Trucost data and/or reports. No further distribution of the Data and/or Reports is permitted without Trucost's express written consent.
Environmental footprint expresses the total resource consumption of the portfolio per mUSD invested. Each assessed company's footprint is calculated by normalizing resources consumed by the company's enterprise value including cash (EVIC). We aggregate these figures to portfolio level using a weighted average, multiplying each assessed portfolio constituent's footprint by its respective position weight. For comparison, index footprints are shown besides that of the portfolio. The equivalent factors that are used for comparison between the portfolio and index represent European averages and are based on third-party sources combined with own estimates. As such, the figures presented are intended for illustrative purposes and are purely an indication. Only holdings mapped as corporates are included in the figures.
SDG Impact Alignment
Per 28-02-2025Source: Robeco. Data derived from internal processes.
This distribution across SDG scores shows the portfolio weight allocated to companies with a positive, negative and neutral impact alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) based on Robeco’s SDG Framework. The framework utilizes a three-step approach to assess a company’s impact alignment with the relevant SDGs and assign a total SDG score. The score ranges from positive to negative impact alignment with levels from high, medium or low impact alignment. This results in a 7-step scale from -3 to +3. For comparison, index figures are provided alongside that of the portfolio. Only holdings mapped as corporates are included in the figures.
Per 28-02-2025Source: We use several data sources such as Sustainalytics, RSPO (Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil), World Bank, Freedom House, Fund for Peace and International Sanctions; further policy document available Exclusion Policy.
Source: We use several data sources such as Sustainalytics, RSPO (Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil), World Bank, Freedom House, Fund for Peace and International Sanctions; further policy document available Exclusion Policy.
Per 28-02-2025Source: Robeco. Data derived from internal processes.
Robeco distinguishes between three types of engagement.
Value Engagement focuses on long-term issues that are financially material and/or are causing adverse sustainability impacts. The themes can be broken into Environmental, Social, Governance, or Voting-related. SDG Engagement aims to drive a clear and measurable improvement in a company’s SDG contribution. Enhanced engagement is triggered by misconduct and focuses on companies severely breaching internationals standards. The report is based on all companies in the portfolio for which engagement activities have taken place during the past 12 months. Note that companies may be under engagement in multiple categories simultaneously. While the total portfolio exposure excludes double counting, it may not equal the sum of individual category exposures.