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05-02-2025 · Insight

Putting themes to work for your portfolio

Technological innovation, scientific breakthroughs, shifting consumer demographics and evolving consumer values are reshaping our world at an unprecedented pace. These powerful forces have the potential to disrupt entire industries, creating both opportunities for early adopters and risks for late adapters.

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Thematic investing is a tool to sift through the haze of markets and zoom in on areas of the economy and companies best positioned to leverage the winds of innovation and change for growth and profits.

Long-standing thematic expertise, specialized teams of analysts, targeted research and proprietary investment tools give Robeco an edge in identifying truly transformative trends and constructing portfolios best equipped to leverage their game-changing potential.

With 25 years of thematic leadership, 30 dedicated thematic analysts, and 14 compelling themes, Robeco is resourced and ready to turn today’s megatrends into tomorrow’s returns.

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Thematic investing

Open your portfolio to the power of themes.


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