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Solutions for insurers

For insurers to optimize their portfolios, it is no longer enough to just look at regulatory and investment objectives. Today’s key requirements are climate and sustainability. Our solutions are designed to help invest sustainably while keeping an optimal risk/return profile. One size fits all? Not at all. We create innovative solutions to meet insurers’ distinct challenges.

Sustainable leader

  • Deep sustainable knowledge

  • Innovating sustainable investing

  • Every strategy backed by ESG

A pioneer in sustainable investing and ESG integration since the 1990s.

Client-driven partner

  • Providing investment strategy consulting

  • Unrivaled access to internal experts and IP

  • Deep knowledge of regulatory requirements

Our SI Center of Expertise combines investment, regulatory and research teams.

Advanced insurance solutions

  • Extensive credit experience

  • Customized solutions

  • Pioneer in quant

Customized solutions based on our extensive expertise.

Client-driven optimization

Customization is essential to optimize the strategy for an insurer. Our investment solutions are flexible so that we can adjust to even the most specific requirements regarding risk, return and regulatory considerations. Robeco’s insurance solutions team has ample experience managing fully tailored portfolios that are dedicated to optimizing outcomes.

More about optimization solutions

Buy-and-Maintain: bespoke by default

Buy-and-maintain strategies can be ideal for meeting the unique regulatory and returns needs of an insurer. But while the approach is strategic, it is certainly not static. Each strategy is fully aligned with the client’s needs to ensure that while regulatory considerations for liabilities are always met, the need for stable and reliable returns on the asset side is not forgotten.

More about Buy-and-Maintain

Buy-and-Maintain: bespoke by default

Unit-linked strategies

Robeco’s building blocks are also very suitable for unit-linked portfolios. Virtually all Robeco strategies can be classified as sustainable under Article 8 and 9 of the EU’s Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR). These can be used to create sustainable multi-theme or multi-asset portfolios.

Find out more about Robeco’s strategies

Meet our experts

Robeco’s insurance team has a range of disciplines, including actuarial, insurance and investment skills, along with expert market knowledge. The team is supported by a strong group that is part of our Sustainable Investing Center of Expertise, with more than 50 professionals. They include climate specialists, SI researchers, active ownership specialists, and data scientists.

Contact us

Remmert Koekkoek - Head of Sustainable Multi Asset Solutions
Head of Sustainable Multi Asset Solutions

Remmert Koekkoek

Learn more