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20-02-2025 · Webinar

Applying quant strategies in the pursuit of alpha

As markets evolve, investors seek smarter ways to generate returns. While some shift to passive strategies, others still pursue alpha. This drives interest in quant-driven strategies for greater predictability, cost-efficiency, and risk control – systematically using data and innovation for consistent performance.

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  • David Blitz - Chief Researcher

    David Blitz

    Chief Researcher

  • Mike Chen - Head of Next Gen Research

    Mike Chen

    Head of Next Gen Research

  • Jeroen Hagens - Client Portfolio Manager

    Jeroen Hagens

    Client Portfolio Manager

Our Quant experts discuss:

  1. Why investors turn to Active Quant for alpha

  2. How new signals and innovation enhance portfolios alongside established factors

  3. How Robeco has tailored and applied this strategy for clients over decades

By combining controlled risk versus the benchmark with the full power of Robeco’s quant engine, we aim to unlock greater alpha potential, making Active Quant a compelling option for strengthening your portfolio.

In this webinar, we explore why this strategy is considered smart, how it generates alpha, and how it can enhance the performance of your investments.
Let’s shift gears and let Robeco’s Active Quant engine run at full power.

Watch this webinar to hear our portfolio managers and researchers explain the why, the what and the how of active quant investing.

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QI Emerging Markets Sustainable Active Equities D EUR

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