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What is a Wholesale Client?
A person or entity is a “wholesale client” if they satisfy the requirements of section 761G of the Corporations Act.
This commonly includes a person or entity:

  • who holds an Australian Financial Services License

  • who has or controls at least $10 million (and may include funds held by an associate or under a trust that the person manages)

  • that is a body regulated by APRA other than a trustee of:
    (i) a superannuation fund;
    (ii) an approved deposit fund;
    (iii) a pooled superannuation trust; or
    (iv) a public sector superannuation scheme.
    within the meaning of the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993

  • that is a body registered under the Financial Corporations Act 1974.

  • that is a trustee of:
    (i) a superannuation fund; or
    (ii) an approved deposit fund; or
    (iii) a pooled superannuation trust; or
    (iv) a public sector superannuation scheme
    within the meaning of the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 and the fund, trust or scheme has net assets of at least $10 million.

  • that is a listed entity or a related body corporate of a listed entity

  • that is an exempt public authority

  • that is a body corporate, or an unincorporated body, that:
    (i) carries on a business of investment in financial products, interests in land or other investments; and
    (ii) for those purposes, invests funds received (directly or indirectly) following an offer or invitation to the public, within the meaning of section 82 of the Corporations Act 2001, the terms of which provided for the funds subscribed to be invested for those purposes.

  • that is a foreign entity which, if established or incorporated in Australia, would be covered by one of the preceding paragraphs.

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About us

Who we are

Developing superior solutions requires an innovative nature and a pioneering spirit. That’s why we nurture a culture in which new ideas are welcomed and embraced, from investing in Peru in 1930 and Hong Kong in 1968 to launching our first sustainable fund in 1995.

Today, we are a pure-play global asset manager and a leader in Sustainable Investing, with a strong range of client propositions in quant, thematic, credits and emerging market investing. We push our boundaries because we know that we provide greater value to our clients if our innovation is grounded in research.

Every investment strategy should be research-driven

On a mission

When you enter Robeco’s offices in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, you can’t miss the statement printed on the glass wall welcoming clients and employees alike:

Our mission is to enable our clients to achieve their financial and sustainability goals by providing superior investment returns and solutions.

Every day, our mission is supported by our core values: to always put the client first, to be innovative, to create connection in whatever we do, and to be sustainable – acting responsibly for Robeco and society.

We put clients first

The message is simple: client-centricity in everything we do. We always act in your best interest, while ensuring that the integrity and trust that form the backbone of a long-term relationship are always present. This means our clients talk to us and we listen, so that we can create bespoke, future-fit solutions that truly align with their unique needs. Sounds simple? Not always, but we pride ourselves on meeting every challenge.

We are researchers

Our true brand strength, powering all of our offerings, was developed by failing first. A year after the company was founded, half of our launch capital was gone in the aftermath of the Wall Street crisis. It was a tough start, but it compelled our first CEO Wim Rauwenhoff to declare, in 1933, that “Every investment strategy should be research-driven”. And this still drives us today. We analyze hard facts and data. Every innovative idea and every innovative product is tested rigorously, over and over, before we offer it to our clients. That’s why we call ourselves ‘The Investment Engineers’.

We are connectors

We create and nurture connections between all our stakeholders, including our employees, our clients, our industry, NGOs and academia. To facilitate this we share ideas and knowledge, actively engage and learn from each other, and are truly open to different opinions. Connection also requires a culture that is open and inclusive for everybody regardless of race, gender, sexual identity and background. Diverse people naturally will come up with diverse ideas and views: essential for our long-term success.

We are sustainable

Robeco is recognized as a leader in sustainable investing. We’ve routinely integrated ESG across all our investment processes since the early 2000s, we are frontrunners in active ownership, and we continuously push the boundaries of impact investing.

But leadership in sustainable investing can only exist if it’s research-driven, integrated across our investment universe, and rooted in our behavior. We have a clear net-zero commitment and understand that sustainability is not an abstract concept but part of our daily lives. It’s present in everything from consumption and travel to attitude and a general understanding of what our clients, society and the planet demand so that the wealth we create today doesn’t compromise the needs of the world tomorrow.

Today, we are part of ORIX Europe, a subsidiary of ORIX Corporation, a Japanese business conglomerate based in Tokyo, Japan. ORIX stems from a combination of the word ‘original’ signifying creativity, and the symbol ‘X’ meaning infinity and representing flexibility and diversity. The name signifies the pioneering pursuit of innovation and organic unity of the Group.

ORIX Corporation Europe


Robeco aims to enable its clients to achieve their financial and sustainability goals by providing superior investment returns and solutions.

Important information: This website is prepared and issued in Australia by Robeco Hong Kong Limited (ARBN 156 512 659) (‘Robeco’) which is exempt from the requirement to hold an Australian financial services licence under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) pursuant to ASIC Class Order 03/1103. Robeco is regulated by the Securities and Futures Commission under the laws of Hong Kong and those laws may differ from Australian laws. The information on this web page is provided to you because Robeco reasonably believes that you are a "wholesale client" within the meaning of that term under section 761G(4) of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) ("Corporations Act") and not any other class of persons. This information is not an advertisement and is not intended to induce retail clients to acquire Robeco products. Retail clients who are interested in Robeco products should contact their financial adviser.