24-03-2023 · Insight

Quantifying sustainability – the numbers, the data, and the people

This book is a journey. A journey along countries and continents. But above all, a journey along the heart. It contains portraits of men and women dedicated to the cause of sustainable investing.

They talk about what worries them, and what drives them. About their children – our next generation. Meet the investment engineers.

But this book is also about the numbers and data behind the stories of our time. It’s about ESG integration, SDGs, climate and biodiversity, dilemmas and data. It is about quantifying sustainability.

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Quantifying sustainability – the numbers, the data, and the people

This book contains portraits of Robeco's men and women dedicated to the cause of sustainable investing. A book about the numbers and data behind the stories of our time. It is about Quantifying sustainability. Download your copy.

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How do companies and countries score on sustainability?

Explore the contributions companies make to the Sustainable Development Goals and how countries rank on ESG criteria.

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Robeco is an international asset manager offering an extensive range of active investments, from equities to bonds.

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Robeco aims to enable its clients to achieve their financial and sustainability goals by providing superior investment returns and solutions.

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