21-08-2024 · Insight

Transition investing: Measuring credibility

The goal of net zero emissions is said to be the greatest commercial opportunity of our time. At Robeco, we believe the best way to capture alpha from this opportunity is through an all-sector approach. This can be done through diversified exposure to companies that are providing low-carbon technologies, and also to heavy emitters whose ambitious decarbonization plans mean they are leading the transition in their industry.


  •  Farahnaz Pashaei Kamali  - Cluster Head - Energy & Utilities

    Farahnaz Pashaei Kamali

    Cluster Head - Energy & Utilities

  • Giacomo Melegati - SI Research Associate

    Giacomo Melegati

    SI Research Associate

  • Lucian Peppelenbos - Climate & Biodiversity Strategist

    Lucian Peppelenbos

    Climate & Biodiversity Strategist

But how do we know whether companies are living up to the promise of decarbonization? How do we determine the credibility of investments in the climate transition? And how do the differences in the progress toward net zero being made in emerging and developed markets play out?

In this white paper, we explain our approach to assessing company transition plans, including the repercussions on company capital and operating expenditure, and the implications for equity and bond investors.

Download the white paper here

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