
Thematic Investing

Smart Energy

Renewables are helping to clean upstream energy production, but that’s not enough to reach net-zero targets. The Smart Energy strategy invests in the technologies, infrastructure, and services needed to transition the entire energy ecosystem to a net-zero future.


%, the share of global emissions attributed to the energy sector


USD trillion, yearly investment needed to reach Net Zero by 2050


number of years of carbon budget still remaining at current emission rates

Why invest in energy?

The urgency of climate change will require a revolution in not just energy production but also how it is distributed, stored, and used in industries, enterprises and by individual consumers. While renewables are important, maximizing their potential to reach net-zero goals requires electrifying entire industries and downstream processes across economic sectors.

It will also mean upgrading legacy utility grids that have been designed around fossil-fuels, to more intelligent systems designed around renewable energy. Meanwhile, as electrification and digitization intensify, electricity demand is expected to surge, increasing the need for energy-efficient equipment and applications.

The strategy

From solar and wind farms to smart networks and storage all the way to energy-efficient solutions in energy-intensive industries such as transportation, buildings, and big data, the Smart Energy strategy invests in a set of comprehensive solutions needed to achieve the net-zero transition.

Boost the power of your portfolio with an investment in Smart Energy.


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