
Thematic investing

Sustainable Healthy Living

Healthcare demand and costs are increasing globally, driven by changes in incomes, unhealthy lifestyles, and socio-demographics. The Sustainable Healthy Living strategy invests in keeping populations and healthcare budgets in a state of good health.


million, the number of persons over age 80 by 2050


USD trillion, US healthcare spending estimates for 2024


billion, global number of individuals living with obesity

Why invest in healthy living?

Healthcare costs are exploding, and it’s not just a rich-world problem. In both developed and emerging economies, obesity and unhealthy lifestyles are accelerating chronic diseases including diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, stroke, and many cancers. Chronic diseases are the leading drivers of rising healthcare costs globally.

The strategy

The Sustainable Healthy Living strategy focuses on promoting health and controlling costs through prevention and early intervention. It invests in companies focusing on naturally good food and nutrition, physical activity and fitness, personal care and hygiene as well as early diagnostic testing and treatment interventions. It also invests in healthcare solutions and providers using AI and digital technologies to accelerate the discovery of new therapies and clinical trials as well as make healthcare delivery more efficient and less costly.

Keep your portfolio fit for the future with an investment in Sustainable Healthy Living.


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