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The Essentials of Climate Investing

The Essentials of Climate Investing

Educational module for investment professionals

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Continuous education is an important part of any professional investor’s career, particularly as times change so rapidly. Climate change has become the biggest issue facing investors, but what it means for portfolios and the transition to a lower-carbon world is less clear.

What challenges (and opportunities) will it bring? And why should we act now? Not knowing the answers to these important questions has put some financial professionals at a disadvantage in being able to explain it to others like clients and colleagues.

This module bridges that gap. Those participating in this course are invited to digest the information and then take the test at the end. To enhance the learning experience, the module is delivered using clear language, charts, a video and case studies. Each of the eight chapters takes up to 15 minutes to read.

A score of at least 12 out of 15 correct answers (80%) for the test will count up to two hours towards your professional CPD requirements. The educational module is already accredited by local and global institutes, including CII, FPI, CISI, FPSB, AFP, FPI and IBF.

CFA Institute allows its members the ability to self-determine and self-report professional learning credits earned from external sources. CFA Institute members are encouraged to self-document such credits in their online PL tracker.

Good luck!

Ready for the test?

Now that you’ve learned the basics of climate investing, it’s time to test your knowledge. Below are 15 multiple-choice questions on the eight chapters you have completed. Click on the box that you think contains the correct answer. If you answer 12 or more questions correctly, you will be awarded two hours of CPD.

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