23-04-2024 · Insight

New climate dataset enhances our Country ESG Framework

Climate data and metrics have served as a foundational element of our Country ESG Framework since its initiation more than a decade ago. These metrics can help shed light on countries’ contributions to climate change mitigation and their readiness for a much-needed and inevitable transition to a net-zero economy. This insight helps us to identify transition risks and opportunities.

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  • Rikkert Scholten - Strategist

    Rikkert Scholten


  • Paul Ruijs - Impact Specialist

    Paul Ruijs

    Impact Specialist

In this report, we first elaborate on the various considerations in selecting relevant sovereign climate metrics. Next, we introduce the new methodology that was established, followed by the outcomes of the assessment. Finally, we zero in on a selection of interesting case studies and discuss how climate fits in the broader sovereign ESG context.

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