But while billions of euros are going into investments such as renewables to tackle global warming, reducing biodiversity loss has not enjoyed the same kind of recognition. Raising awareness of how investment can help preserve our own futures is key. That’s why we’ve produced a new brochure entitled ‘Five things you need to know about biodiversity investing’.
The booklet explains what biodiversity is, and why it’s now a major issue for investors. We detail the five themes that lie at the heart of biodiversity investing: grasping the urgency; facing the challenges; accepting the responsibility; embracing the opportunity; and then finally adopting the solutions. We believe that one such solution is our new RobecoSAM Biodiversity Equities strategy, so we detail how this invests in those companies that can benefit from the nature-friendly transition.
So, it not just a case of saving frogs in South America or elephants in Africa, important though that is: it’s a case of preserving the entire economic system while continuing to monetize nature in a more sustainable way.
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