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Robeco Sustainable Global Stars
90 years young by analyzing the future
Robeco’s flagship concentrated global equity strategy focuses on the innovations that will generate sustainable growth like green cement, precision agriculture and digital industrialization. Discover its unique 90-year journey by downloading ‘5 global ideas to stand the test of time’.

High conviction, quality focus
Concentrated exposure to quality companies across the globe with strong free cashflow, reinvestment opportunities, and a discount to intrinsic value.

Embodying our investment DNA
Rigorous research combined with experience and constant evolution make Robeco Sustainable Global Stars strategy emblematic of Robeco's investment heritage.

Market-leading sustainability
Robeco Sustainable Global Stars targets and consistently achieves an environmental footprint 20% lower than the benchmark.

5 global ideas to stand the test of time
Finding companies that can generate alpha and pave the way to a sustainable economic future is what we do best. Leave your details here and download five of our best ideas.
Celebrated in the past, built for the future
Defining precision agriculture, driving the energy transition, enabling digital industrialization, producing green cement, or fusing gaming and entertainment, the next era of growth is coming. Exposure to a diverse but high conviction strategy, subjected to a rigorous sustainable lens, and with a track record stretching back to 1933, should be on every long-term investor's radar.
Portfolio managers
Sustainable Global Stars Equities Fund - EUR E
Select other related funds
In 2008, this strategy was revamped into a high conviction and ESG-integrated approach that deviates from market indexes with concentrated portfolios of attractive stocks featuring high active share and low turnover.*
5 global ideas to stand the test of time
This brochure focuses on how Robeco distils the best ideas to build a concentrated strategy from a global investment universe.