Principal Adverse Impact (PAI) statement
Robeco is dedicated to disclosing the Principal Adverse Impact (PAI) indicators, as required by the the EU’s Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulations (SFDR). These indicators help measure a company’s impact on the environment and society. Examples include fossil fuels use leading to emissions, waste generation, and adherence to human rights principles. Further details can be found in our Principle Adverse Impact statement.
Robeco invests in thousands of companies across more than 100 investment strategies, covering equities and corporate bonds. Each company has an impact on the environment and society, both positive and negative. Our goal is to quantify these impacts and report them clearly.
The Principal Adverse Impact statement outlines our approach to measuring these impacts. It includes detailed analysis of greenhouse gas emissions, renewable energy use, and hazardous waste production. The statement also addresses social and governance issues, such as exposure to human rights abuses or corruption.
As part of our commitment to sustainable investing and active ownership, the statement also describes our engagement and voting policies. Additionally, it specifies the international standards Robeco follows, including our commitment to the Paris Agreement and the UN Global Compact.