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04-12-2024 · Visione

Robeco gets top scores in PRI assessment

Robeco has received the maximum five stars for sustainable investing from the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI).


  • Carola van Lamoen - Head of Sustainable Investing

    Carola van Lamoen

    Head of Sustainable Investing


  1. Scores of 93%-100% achieved across seven PRI modules

  2. Quality of equity and fixed income strategies recognized

  3. ‘Testament to SI leadership and investment integration work’

A score of 93% or above was achieved for the seven main categories in the annual assessment of global asset managers by the UN PRI, with two receiving the maximum 100%. Robeco’s expertise in integrating sustainability into direct listed equity and fixed income investment strategies were among those recognized for the top ranking.

Robeco has now been awarded top scores in varying PRI assessments for over a decade, cementing its place as a world leader in sustainable investing, as a pioneer of the style with the launch of Europe’s first SI strategy in the mid-1990s.

“We are pleased to once again gain top scores across all assessed modules in the 2024 PRI Annual Assessment,” says Carola van Lamoen, Head of Sustainable Investing at Robeco. “This is testament to our SI leadership, and the excellent integration work of our investment teams.”


Robeco’s summary scorecard. Source: PRI Assessment report 2024.

Over 90% in all seven modules

Robeco received 100% scores for the direct fixed income securitized investment strategies and confidence building measures modules in the report. Direct fixed income for corporate and SSA products both received 97%, while the policy for governance and strategy module was awarded 95%. Robeco’s direct listed equity offerings for active fundamental and active quant products both got a score of 93%. All were awarded the maximum five stars for scores above 90%.

Robeco was one of the earliest members of the PRI, launched in 2006 to promote sustainable investing around the world. It uses six core principles that range from integrating environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors into the investment process – which Robeco has done since 2010 – to using active ownership and reporting on progress.

More than 5,000 asset managers, asset owners and other financial firms with a combined USD 128 trillion in assets under management now belong to the PRI.

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