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17-03-2025 · Podcast

Quant Street, Episode 3 – Which factors work (and which don't)?

There are so many factors in academic literature that it’s even been called a zoo! But which factors actually work in real life – and which don’t? In the third episode of our Quant Street podcast series, we sit down with Matthias Hanauer, Director of Quant Selection Research at Robeco, to break it all down. He explains why some factors stand the test of time while others don’t – and the five key criteria that make a factor truly investable.

If you want to cut through the noise and focus on what really drives long-term alpha, this episode is for you. Listen now!


  • Matthias Hanauer - Researcher

    Matthias Hanauer


  • Erika van der Merwe - Equity Investment Specialist

    Erika van der Merwe

    Equity Investment Specialist