Van Hassel has been CEO of Robeco since September 2016. He will remain in post until 31 December 2021 to ensure a smooth handover, after which he will relocate back to New York, where he will assume a senior role with Robeco’s parent company, ORIX Group.
Van Baardwijk is currently Chief Operating Officer and deputy CEO of Robeco. She joined the Dutch asset manager in 2006 and has held various positions including Head of Operational Risk Management, Chief Information Officer, and latterly COO.
She has been a member of Robeco’s Executive Committee since 2015 and has played an important role in developing and executing Robeco’s corporate strategic agenda for 2021-2025 as well as leading several successful transitions.
“It is an honor to be appointed CEO of Robeco,” says Van Baardwijk.” I am very excited and proud to add to its long history that goes back 90 years of serving clients.”
“Sustainability is at the heart of everything we and I personally stand for. I look forward to further driving Robeco’s strategic 2021-2025 agenda, to build on the momentum we have, and to accelerate growth in all our key strengths.”
Strong leadership
“Karin has shown strong, inclusive leadership and management skills in her current role as Chief Operating Officer and deputy CEO,” says Maarten Slendebroek, Chair of Robeco’s Supervisory Board. “Her strengths in operations, technology, sustainability, relationship building, and her extensive experience within Robeco will undoubtedly enable her to be an effective and respected CEO.”
“On behalf of the Supervisory Board, we thank Gilbert for laying a strong foundation, accelerating Robeco’s growth globally, and for guiding Robeco to leading global positions in sustainable investing, quant, credits, trends and thematic and global and emerging market equities. We wish him all the best in his new role with ORIX Group.”
In good hands
“I am very grateful for my tenure at Robeco and to have had the opportunity to lead such an incredibly skilled organization with so many bright and talented people. Robeco is in a great place and with Karin I have the utmost confidence that Robeco and its clients are in good hands.”
“To be able to fill this position from our own ranks underlines the strength of our organization. I am thankful for the position that ORIX Group has offered me to share my experience and to further build its global business. I also look forward to being reunited with my family.”
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