Clients consistently bring up one point, no matter which country they are from, which asset class they focus on, or whether they are involved in defined benefit (DB) or defined contribution (DC) pension plans. And that point is: there is an abundance of theory, but a lack of practical investable examples or case studies demonstrating how the more sophisticated and well-resourced pension plans globally are solving their own challenges, especially when it comes to sustainable investing.
Six case studies
So, in that vein, we thought it would be useful to show some practical examples of how Robeco has worked collaboratively with pension plans and other leading investors globally to create innovative solutions to solve client-specific issues. Our article gives six case studies of how Robeco has crafted solutions for clients in the Netherlands, Australia, the UK, Asia Pacific and the US
The examples range from how we were able to decarbonize portfolios and ensure alignment with the Paris Agreement, to a more complex defensive absolute return multi-asset strategy and a sustainable index-based solution. They all utilize Robeco’s proprietary sustainability tools including the SDG Framework, Climate Traffic Lights and Paris-aligned benchmarks.
Soluciones para clientes
La suma de las partes puede ser mayor que el todo. Utilizamos nuestra amplia experiencia en inversión para crear soluciones sostenibles a medida para nuestros clientes. Así es como encontramos respuestas a sus retos de inversión.
Casos de clientes
Creemos firmemente en el principio de que el cliente es lo primero, por lo que ofrecemos soluciones de inversión a medida según sus necesidades. A continuación, encontrará ejemplos de cada una de nuestras capacidades.