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05-11-2024 · Visión

Sovereign sustainability: What are the risk implications?

Robeco uses two proprietary tools for analyzing the risks and opportunities inherent in government bond investing. The Country ESG Framework looks at the environmental, social and governance factors that affect a nation’s sustainability, while the newer Country SDG Framework uses the lens of contributions toward the Sustainable Development Goals. Both are complementary – but how do they relate to financial outcomes?


  • Bruno Rein - Impact Specialist

    Bruno Rein

    Impact Specialist

  • Rikkert Scholten - Strategist

    Rikkert Scholten


  • Jan Anton van Zanten - SDG Strategist

    Jan Anton van Zanten

    SDG Strategist

In our latest white paper, our specialists in government bonds, ESG analysis and the SDGs join forces to examine the financial implications of using either framework in sovereign bond investments. We look at how either framework relates to other market metrics, such as credit default swap spreads, to try to provide a clearer understanding of how country-level ESG risk and sustainable development contributions affect risk.

Read the full paper here

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