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30-03-2023 · Webinaire

Time to build back credits exposure?

The corporate bonds market had a tough time in 2022, leading many investors to pull out of the investment grade and high yield sectors. Yet the asset class offers great potential in 2023, as the repricing of fixed income securities has led to credit yields rising sharply. This now provides an attractive entry point from which to build back bond exposure in a diversified portfolio.

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  • Reinout Schapers - Portfolio Manager

    Reinout Schapers

    Portfolio Manager

  • Roeland Moraal - Portfolio Manager

    Roeland Moraal

    Portfolio Manager

During this webinar they covered:

  1. Why the integration of many different aspects of sustainability is so important

  2. How corporate bonds historically provide diversification and reduce portfolio volatility

  3. The benefits of tilting towards higher-quality issuers and exploiting market inefficiencies

In our webinar, portfolio managers Reinout Schapers and Roeland Moraal explain the opportunities in their respective Global Credit and High Yield funds. They outline how rigorous fundamental research and a contrarian and quality-tilted investment approach identifies the best relative value opportunities across the rating spectrum. They provide insights into why sustainability across all angles, such as ESG, climate and the SDGs, is instrumental to making better-informed decisions and selecting best companies from a long-term perspective.

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