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06-06-2024 · Webinaire

Why you should increase allocation to EM in 2024

Investing in emerging markets (EM) gives you access to world-class companies in the most dynamic growing economies. However, Emerging markets are not homogeneous, but instead a grouping of constantly evolving and highly diverse countries at different stages of development. So where are the opportunities within Emerging Markets and how to unlock these?

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  • Jan Sytze Mosselaar - Portfolio Manager

    Jan Sytze Mosselaar

    Portfolio Manager

  • Aliki Rouffiac - Portfolio Manager

    Aliki Rouffiac

    Portfolio Manager

  • Rob Schellekens - Portfolio Manager

    Rob Schellekens

    Portfolio Manager

Our experts discuss

  1. The long-term growth drivers behind increasing allocations to EM

  2. Our favourite sectors, countries, and regions within the EM universe

  3. The central role of emerging markets in the energy transition

In this webinar we detail key long-term growth drivers behind increasing allocations to EM including the central role of emerging markets in the energy transition. There’s also the geopolitical realignment with the shift, economically and geopolitically from West to East. Robeco’s EM experts also talk about some of our favourite sectors, countries and regions within the EM universe, and which investment styles are best suited to deliver returns.

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