16-05-2023 · Webinar

What makes the sustainable global stars of the future?

Concentrated exposure to the global equity market and a quality focus characterize Robeco's flagship equity strategy. Discover its unique 90-year journey, and find out how we structure such a high conviction portfolio to capture upside, limit downside and deliver an environmental footprint 20% lower than its benchmark.

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  • Michiel Plakman - Lead Portfolio Manager

    Michiel Plakman

    Lead Portfolio Manager

  • Chris Berkouwer - Lead Portfolio Manager

    Chris Berkouwer

    Lead Portfolio Manager

In our latest webinar, portfolio managers Michiel Plakman and Chris Berkouwer reveal the methodology behind Robeco’s flagship concentrated equity strategy, Sustainable Global Stars. They will outline how they employ rigorous fundamental research combined with a quality-based investment approach, and Robeco’s established sustainability expertise. They will also discuss why a strategy based on a concentrated global portfolio has performed so consistently over its 90-year history, and provide insights into how ESG integration has been additive to performance in the previous decade.

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