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03-11-2021 · Webinar

Our road to net zero in 2050

Limiting global warming to meet the Paris Agreement means the world must become carbon neutral by 2050. For investors, this is not just a case of divesting fossil fuels from portfolios. Ironically, exactly these high-emitting sectors require the most capital to transform. Our role is not only to invest in the transition to a lower-carbon economy, but to accelerate it.

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  • Lucian Peppelenbos - Climate & Biodiversity Strategist

    Lucian Peppelenbos

    Climate & Biodiversity Strategist

At the end of the session, we will have covered:

  1. The details of Robeco’s roadmap for carbon neutrality by 2050

  2. How the three net zero pillars and its six action points will play out

  3. The vital role of active ownership through engagement and voting

In this webinar, Robeco CIO Victor Verberk and Climate Strategist Lucian Peppelenbos outline how Robeco plans to achieve net zero emissions across all its assets under management by 2050. The core strategy is based on three pillars: we look to decarbonize our activities, accelerate the transition to a carbon neutral economy, and promote climate-aligned investing generally.

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