1. Emerging markets’ second growth wave is straight ahead
After a decade of disappointing returns, emerging markets are positioning for a comeback, and a majority of investors have taken note throughout 2024. This article, being Robeco’s best-read article of 2024, is proof of that.
2. Value investing: “The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated”
Here’s another comeback kid: value investing, starring in our second-best read article of the year. Often written off and, yes, outperformed by growth stocks for a longer period. Less appealing than the Magnificent Seven? Surely, but ignoring value stocks might leave you wrong-footed in the longer term.
3. Expected Returns 2025-2029: Atlas Lifted
There’s no such thing as a ‘best read’ overview without our flagship publication in the spotlight. Our annual multi-asset five-year outlook on financial markets deservedly in position 3 – but still gaining ground every single day.
4. Unraveling 9 key questions about credits
Who said it’s hard to make appealing content about credits? Addressing client questions in a timely and accessible way obviously pays off. This series of questions, bundled in a concise brochure, is this year’s fourth-best read article.
5. Podcast: Zooming in and out of the factor zoo
Our monthly podcast series, now in it’s sixth year, covers all corners of financial markets. In this episode we take a look at the overwhelming offering of factors – some of them more equal than others.
Also recommended
But wait, there’s more! We have some additional publications that you might find interesting:
And finally, please subscribe to 'In tune with the markets' on your favorite podcast platform. The podcast series keeps you tapping to the beat of the market drum on a bi-weekly basis.
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