Robeco, The Investments Engineers
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03-04-2023 · インサイト

Robeco wins multiple Morningstar awards for best SI asset manager

Robeco has been named as the best asset manager for sustainable investing in six markets by Morningstar.


  • Carola van Lamoen - Head of Sustainable Investing

    Carola van Lamoen

    Head of Sustainable Investing

We were ranked top for SI in the UK, Italy, Belgium, Luxembourg, Taiwan and Robeco’s home country of the Netherlands. Three other awards were also picked up for best asset manager overall in Luxembourg and Belgium, while Robeco European High Yield Bonds was named as the best euro-denominated bond strategy in Spain.

Morningstar rates investment funds on their sustainability credentials so that investors can see the level of integration of environmental, social and governance (ESG), among other factors. The stars that it awards for sustainability and wider performance or reliability are highly prized by asset managers.

“Robeco has a long heritage in sustainable investing and continues to integrate and nurture ESG best practices, earning it a Morningstar ESG Commitment Level of Leader,” Morningstar said in its citation.

“Robeco has been a pioneer in sustainable investing for decades, with a history that goes back to 1995. It has shaped its product range according to high ESG standards supported by its vast research capability.

“The firm applies exclusions and integrates ESG for 96% of its assets under management, with the degree of exclusions and sustainability targets varying depending on whether a strategy is classified as ‘Sustainability Inside, ‘Sustainability focused’, or Impact’. Portfolio managers and analysts have access to a comprehensive sustainability dashboard.”

“Robeco has built an impressive team that is dedicated to the company’s sustainability initiatives. More than 50 dedicated resources are involved in sustainability research, thought leadership, active ownership, and client support.”


Real-world impact

Victor Verberk, CIO Fixed Income and Sustainability at Robeco, said: “We are honored to be awarded ‘Best Asset Manager’ and ‘Best Asset Manager – Sustainable Investing’ by Morningstar, as it underlines our strength as a pure-play asset manager and a leader in sustainable investing.”

“At Robeco, we aim to add value for our clients while also aiming to create a real-world impact. We have been committed to ESG integration for decades, as it helps us to identify opportunities and manage downside risk. In our sustainable investing approach, we specifically focus on climate change, biodiversity and human rights.”

Integrated approach

The awards were presented at various ceremonies across Europe and Asia in March. “When I look at the key drivers of our success for Robeco, an important part is the integrated approach that we have,” said Carola van Lamoen, Head of SI at Robeco, in a video interview with Morningstar.

“Our SI Center of Expertise is fully embedded in the investment domain, helping us to make the investment teams better informed day after day. In addition, we focus on cooperation with external parties, including academics and NGOs, and we have a very clear strategy and a strong commitment from the top.”

Watch the full interview with Carola van Lamoen here (Dutch)



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